Gratitude as a Resiliency


As thanksgiving approaches, we might take part in the annual tradition of counting our blessings. But did you know that research has shown a link between gratitude and well-being?  It is also a great coping skill for dealing with stress, anger, or depression. After all, it’s hard to be stressed and thankful at the same time!

Additionally, practicing gratitude can shift our perception from deprivation to abundance. Among other things, an abundance mindset carries the belief that we have, and we are enough. This mindset can help us to battle persistent and unhelpful thoughts of shame, envy and anxiety.

Gratitude is a resiliency that can be developed. Like most resiliencies it involves changing our mindset and cultivating a habit through practice. Here are a few things to try:

Develop a gratitude routine. Set aside a moment each day to list at least three things for which you are thankful. Better yet, write them down or share them with others.

Express gratitude in our relationships. Simple expressions of appreciation can be verbal or written. Sometimes it just takes practice.

Try gratitude in the face of adversity.  When life hands us a problem to be solved we often start by thinking about the difficulties of the situation. Instead, begin by thinking of the resources that will help you find a solution. Whether it is another person or your own resiliency resources, for that you can be thankful.

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